In an effort to ensure you have all of the required documents to obtain a REAL ID driver's license or identification card (DL/ID), the office of the Secretary of State has developed an interactive checklist to help prepare you for the application process.
Follow the steps indicated at the top of each page. The checklist is for your personal use–you will not be asked to present this list to get a REAL ID card.
All acceptable documents presented for verification or proof must be valid (current and not expired). Hard copy documents are required because we are required to scan all documents; images from a cellphone are not accepted. An applicant may print the image (e.g., bank statement) and provide the printed copy when presenting documentation. Account numbers must be visible. Photocopies will not be accepted.
Note: Using the REAL ID checklist does not guarantee you will be able to obtain a REAL ID card. This is a guide to help you through the process. Please note that there are special circumstances that are not covered by the checklist. Please call the REAL ID hotline at 833-503-4074 or visit the REAL ID webpage for additional information. The fees for a REAL ID card are the same as those charged for a standard DL/ID. Please note that vision, knowledge and/or road tests may be required. An individual can only receive one REAL ID card – either a REAL ID driver's license or a REAL ID identification card. The federal government prohibits an individual from having both.